Monday, June 27, 2011

Left behind

That's me. I've been left behind!

On Saturday, Ike left for the beach with my parents. He was so excited that he asked my mom if he could spend Friday night at her house so that they could leave earlier. Good thinking on his part because I wouldn't have been up before 8:00! Mom reported that at 5:08, he woke her up and announced it was time to go. He was completely dressed and ready and had his suitcase in his hand :)  He has been having so much fun and has spent about 1.2 seconds thinking of home. If that! According to my mom, he's running her ragged! I love that he has this opportunity to spend time with my parents and I hope they are able to have as much fun as he does! This is his second summer with a grandparent trip and I feel so comfortable with him away - Mom is so protective and loves him so much, and Ike is so easy going and pleasant and funny. Just a perfect match for a fabulous week.

On Sunday, Ana went to diabetes camp. This is a first because she's never been old enough to qualify. DJ and I were nervous because she is one of those kids that can have a hard time separating from us and I had visions of her crying and me trying to peel her off and calm her down. Yeah, that so didn't happen. Instead, she waited patiently while we went through the drop off process (which, let me assure you, is very involved when you are talking diabetes and kids) and wandered along with us to her cabin. She picked her bunk, helped make the bed and arrange her gear and then got quiet. I asked about us leaving, figuring that she was on the edge of breaking down. Imagine my surprise when she politely informed me that she was ready for us to go. In fact, she was rather pushy and suggested we leave. Politely. I was not ready. Not ready at all. Not even remotely ready. Leave my diabetic daughter for four days? Seriously? What was I thinking?!?! She agreed to a few hugs and then we left. Just like that.

I'll pick up kidlet 2 Wednesday morning. Kidlet 1 arrives home Saturday night. In the meantime, let me just add that this house is quiet. Very, very quiet!


Jessica said...

I wouldn't even know what to do with myself! Enjoy all of that free time!!

Thrift Store Mama said...

I'm happy for you that you have some time to yourself (and the husband). Enjoy.