Friday, May 20, 2011

Maybe I should clean more often

Not that I will, of course. Just that I should.

The kids are having a friend over to spend the night and both have their rooms cleaned. I realized today that the upstairs bathroom could use a quick clean, too. Once I was in there, I thought, "Since I'm cleaning the bathroom I may as well clean the bathroom!" and I sent my daughter downstairs for a trash bag while I began to sort through the drawers.

I never use the bathroom for anything more than brushing my teeth, taking a bath and going to the bathroom. That's it. I don't wear make-up, I don't have a skincare regimen that extends beyond washing my face. I don't even use shampoo, conditioner, hair spray, etc.

Among the things I found...

~Hair spray. Which I haven't used since 2005
~Kotex pads. Switched to cloth in 2004
~Ovulation predictor tests. 2003
~Purple hair dye. And bleached blond. Both unopened ;-)
~And my favorite...a Crash Test Dummies cassette. If I wanted to listen to Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm, I could. Of course, I'd need to drive to Goodwill and buy a tape player first. 1993. I kid you not.

Now, in my defense, we didn't live here in 1993 so it's been a more recent addition to my bathroom drawer. But still...


Jessica said...

I'm with you.

DH and I realized the other day that we've had the same shampoo bottle sitting in the showed since Dec 2009. lol

Stacy said...

Scottish Twins - I had a bit of a stockpile of shampoo and conditioner left when I switched to baking soda...and then I heard that it makes a good toilet bowl cleaner. Voila! I'm down to 2 bottles and they have all made my toilets sparkle :)

Broot said...

When I first moved to NZ we were living in my inlaws house and one day I was bored and cleared out their bathroom cabinets. You would not believe what I found in there. Medications that were YEARS old and came from another continent entirely!! Luckily for me my Father in Law was a good sport and was merely amused when I showed him what I had done. ;)